Only pearl one in the world
昨今、真珠をめぐって、模造真珠、粗悪真珠、着色真珠、はたまた産地偽装など多くの問題が消費者の信頼を失い、真珠離れを起こしています。 一方、養殖場は、海水の温暖化、台風の襲来、家庭排水による汚染など漁場の悪化で最盛期の5分の1の生産量になってしまいました。 そこで、私どもは真珠作りのプロとして、本来の真珠の美しさを消費者の皆様に知っていただきたいと考え、「浜揚げ体験」を始めました。ぜひ一度ご体験くださることを願っています。 1ミリ位の真珠貝の赤ちゃんから気の遠くなるような根気のいる作業を積み重ねて5年目にしてはじめて本物の真珠が誕生します。しかも、その中で販売できる真珠は31%に過ぎません。 私どもは真珠が育つ環境づくりをという願いで、環境教育にも取り組んでいます。全国でも初めて地元の保育園の協力を得て園児によるケナフの栽培を始めました。この運動に熊本大学、EMS環境推進室が全面協力してもらうことになりました。子供のうちから環境に目覚めてくれることが、今の自然を残すことに繋がって行くという思いから取り組んでいます。そして今、この運動が他府県へと広がりを見せ始めています。 私どもは、自然の貝が作った色を楽しんで頂きたい、世界に一つだけの色の真珠で自分を飾っていただきたい。そのために自然環境を維持して行く取り組みを多くの仲間やサポーターとともに続けていきたいと願っています。In recent years, On pearls, imitation pearls, lose inferior pearls, colored pearls, Qin also trust of the consumer are a number of problems such as the origin disguised, has caused the pearl away.On the other hand, farms, warming of seawater, a typhoon of the invasion, has become one of the production volume of 5 minutes of its heyday in the deterioration of fisheries, such as pollution caused by household waste water.So, We are as a professional pearl making, Id like to know everyone of the consumer the beauty of the original Pearl, began the "Hama fried experience". We hope that you give us certainly once you experience.In the fifth year from the baby of the pearl of 1 mm position a stack of work its a boggling patience of the gas and the first time the birth is a real pearl. In addition, pearls can be sold in that is only 31%.We are in the hope that the environment that nurtures pearl, we are also working in environmental education. It began the cultivation of kenaf due to kindergarten for the first time with the cooperation of the local nursery school in the nation. Kumamoto University in this exercise, EMS environment Promotion Office is now possible to get full cooperation. That that will wake up from one of the children to the environment, we are working from the feeling that will lead to leave now of the nature. And now, this movement has started to show and spread to other prefectures.We are, I would like to enjoy the colors of nature shellfish have made, I would like you to decorate yourself in the color of the pearl of the only one in the world. Efforts to continue to maintain the natural environment for the hope and would like to continue with a number of friends and supporters.